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Of course you can drive traffic any number of ways, but you should seriously look at SEO if you have never used it. Even though all that is true, you must stick to what works without deviating and without getting lazy in your efforts. You will not ever see the glory of what is possible if you skip the basic knowledge. Knowing the basics of site building, keyword research, SEO and more is what you have to acquire before proceeding too far. Given below are a few SEO tips that are basic, but highly effective.

If you don't have the time to do SEO we'll take care of it for you.

You will always find that a less complicated design for your site will work to your favor in almost all cases across the SEO board.

There is only one thing that your visitors will ever want, and that is excellent information that gives value - not fancy things that do not matter. If you have too much than it affects everything, and your site will also slow down which is not good. Anymore, providing a great experience for your visitors is what the search engines are looking for, and that will help you with SEO. If you have graphics on your site, then you want to learn how to optimize them for search engines. We can offer some direction about this, but you can learn a few things that go beyond it. Each image will contain an ALT tag in the file name, and then you just insert the particular keyword you want. You will gain a few more points from this, but just be sure that it is relevant to the page. You are getting scored according to criteria, and one such criterion is how relevant your pages are.

Remember that your site will score a few extra SEO points if your URL/domain name has your most important keyword phrase in it. Search engines give a lot of emphasis to domain names that have the main keywords in them. There are all kinds of methods to use, and just one is to use the phrases in the page URL file name. Whatever it is, don't ignore the power of having your keyword somewhere in the domain because it is that important for your long term success.

Some people and places are better for discovering more about SEO than others, so do your due diligence. But avoid thinking that ranking first is the final and only important thing because you need a good offer for a good product or service, etc.

So, we have given you some excellent and reliable information to get you going. There will always be a need to do off-page SEO, but eventually you can just outsource that part. The early part of it is hard for many people, and that is where you need to be on your toes.