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Lots of things get exaggerated in everything, and the difficulty of SEO has fallen victim to that, too. This is not a get rich scheme of any kind, and in fact it is just the opposite when you use the right methods.

Once you begin your SEO journey, then vow that nothing will get in your way, and just keep forging ahead no matter what. If you are just getting started, then you have some pretty basic questions in mind, we are guessing. Many people read something and promptly forget about it, and that is one thing you must avoid at all costs.

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Of course you know what you have in mind with site design, but one thing about that is simple is easier to deal with.

If you look at a lot of sites, you will notice there are usually many things that do not need to be there, and remember that it is all about content, anyway. Keep in mind that your site is being measured in terms of browser load time plus visitor stay time. You have to think of both your visitors, first, and then the search engines because it just matters.

Getting backlinks to your site, which is off page, is what really makes it happen; the best come from established and relevant sites. The whole issue and question of backlinks is too much to talk about in depth; so we will just say to find out how to get the best ones. You may have a hard time getting authority sites to backlink to you, but there are ways to get high PR links. What you must do is perform additional study with backlinking, and you can get a good SEO course and learn a great deal.

You may become tempted to get involved with what is called blackhat SEO, and that is your call but we will warn you against it. If you want to learn about it, you can, but you really need to take care about the whole proposition.

Blackhat appeals to a certain kind of person, and without judging we will say that it is acceptable to some and yet not to others. Instead, focus on working on whitehat SEO and go the ethical way which will help you create a better SEO strategy in the long run.

You can find some methods to rank highly and in shorter periods of time, but usually those are methods that are not long-lasting and ultimately will waste your time. You may find some success with easier keywords, but it is hard to build a sustainable ranking that way. You can achieve the things you have read about with SEO, but it is best to do it with proven methods. So you have to learn much more about this, and then just take it one step at a time so you do it the right way. Get in the habit of working on this every day, and then you will not mind doing it.